Gone are those days when you have to put extra effort to reach the audience. We are now living in a digital era where you can get the audience present in any corner of the world. You container make this including an eligible click from a device.

Yes, we are talking about React Native Push Notifications for both Android and iOS mobile applications.

Push notification has changed the way marketing has been done earlier. You can easily interact and engage with the audience by sending automated push notifications. You can also retain your customers through rich media push notifications.

React Native Add Push Notifications

Now you must be wondering how?

Well, to understand this in detail, let us dig deeper.

1. Rich Media:

When it comes to significant interaction with users, there is no match to push notifications. Push notifications provide you with the ability to use images, gifs, video, emojis, graphics, etc.

This means you can add more information. You can make your notification more eye-catchy. This will motivate your users to open your message. As a result, you will bring them a step closer to the action that you want from them.
Moreover, It doesn’t matter; the users haven’t shown their presence on your app.

A single rich media push notification is capable enough to bring them back to your app. The thing is, rich media like images and videos provides you with an opportunity to add more information. They make things clear on the spot. A customer need not go through the long text to know the features of products.

In simple words, the rich media is known for clarifying the doubts on the spot. As a result, you can successfully grab the attention and motivate the audience towards a successful purchase.

2. Personalization:

These days, a lot of apps are available on the app store, and many more are adding up daily. So the competition is rising at an alarming rate. One of the best ways to stay ahead of your competitors is to go for personalization.

Personalization is all about offering the audience what they are looking for. It is all about presenting them with the products and services that they are interested in.

Here push notifications can do a job for you. Push notifications provide you with the ability to use personalization and segmentation. This means you can send push notifications based on gender, age, region, interest, etc.

This will motivate the audience to go for even an unplanned purchase. The thing is when you are offering the audience, the products or services that they were looking for. It motivates them on a subconscious level to purchase the spot.

3. Automated Push Notification:

How will you feel when you have to remain alert all the time to send messages regarding sales, discounts, abandoned carts, etc. You will feel stressed as you have to monitor huge activity.
This is not the case with push notifications.

Push notifications are automated and will be sent to users around the world. Then it doesn’t; matter whether you want to send a reminder regarding an abandoned cart or you want to notify users regarding sales at a regular interval of time.

The timely sent push notifications will increase the chances of sales right on the spot. It doesn’t matter whether your users are using the Android platform or iOS platform. You will be able to target all effectively.

4. Rich User Experience:

When it comes to retaining users, there is no match to push notifications. The thing is, users, like to visit that platform or app which they find interesting, But what more they are looking for is how you made them feel? How are you handling them? How unique is their treatment?

This is wherever push notifications can benefit you with. Push notifications provide a rich user experience. They make your users feel special on your app. They allow you to add feedback links or create special push notifications to appreciate the visit of your users on your app. This will make your users feel special, and they like to visit again.

Moreover, you can further enhance users’ experience by notifying them about the price drops on the items that your users are interested in or which they have added to the wishlist. This is where you are getting an opportunity to create a strong bond with your customers. This will help you to retain them on your platform.

5. Two-way communication: React Native Push Notifications

When it comes to Push notifications, they are known for establishing two-way communication with the audience. The thing is, you are not going to engage users on your platform effectively until and unless you show two-way communication.

Here two-way communications means, customers are having specific issues with your app, they have some suggestions to improve your app, and so on.

In this case, if you can engage with them effectively on various topics, you will win the bet. Push notifications provide you with the ability to do so. Each time the customer has made a purchase, you can use automated push notifications to know their feedback on the product and quality.

You can ask them about the shopping experience.

You can provide them with a link to write a review about the services being offered. You can ask them about various other things. This will not only help you to establish two-way communication with your users but also help you to improve your app.

Conclusion: React Native Push Notifications

When it comes to user engagement and retention, there are a lot of marketing techniques that you can go with. But when it comes to effectiveness and closing a deal right on the spot, there is no match to push notifications.

Within a short period, push notifications have provided such significant results that most of the app owners are forced to implement them on an immediate basis. They have made these notifications their excellent marketing technique. What’s yours?