Offering Writing as a Service? Here is What You Should Know

Content writing is one of the hottest professions of this decade. There was a time when writers could barely make a living. But when the internet took over, everyone wanted a content writer.

The content they write on websites, technical guides, and all marketing copies required the expertise of a writer.

While there is no denying its demand, we also can’t overlook the saturation this industry has now. If you are not careful and don’t stand out, you might not be able to make your place in the market.

Here I’ve shared experience-based knowledge for professionals who are starting to offer writing as a service.

1. Make Sure You Have Skills

A lot of people think they have writing skills when, in fact, they don’t. These are the people who have saturated and destroyed this market.

Just because you can speak English doesn’t mean you are a content writer.

There is no formal education for this field, so people don’t understand what they need to learn.
They write one article for someone who himself doesn’t know what it is, and they think they have become a content writer.

Take a month or two learning the field and work under someone experienced before you enter the market, or you will end up destroying your image in the industry before you can make a place.

2. Protect Yourself from Scammers

The freelancing world is filled with scammers. Online businesses usually don’t require a lot of investment and education, so you will find many unprofessional who will discourage you.

They take the work and don’t pay. Expect everyone to be a scammer, especially when getting started. However, people don’t pay until they see that you have done the work they requested.

This is where you should convert your file into PDF and split it into pieces using SodaPDF before sending it to the client. This way, he won’t be able to use it, and he will know that you have completed the work. Once he sends the payment, then you can send the fully editable version of the file.

3. Build an Online Portfolio Website

You will need to make profiles on UpWork, Fiverr, and other such platforms. You can also build a website and use email marketing to attract clients.

Every business has two main jobs. Getting the work and getting it done. Half your time will be spent in finding the clients.

That’s why you need every channel that can get you to work.

There are many other writers just like you who are offering the same service, and probably better and at cheaper rates.

4. So how would you stand out?

A simple solution is to build an online portfolio website. It will be a website to attract prospects and a portfolio that presents all the projects you have done. Professionals with an attractive portfolio are more likely to be hired and trusted.

5. Make a List of Services and Rates

There are many different types of content writing. For example, there technical writing, marketing copywriting, news writing, and software documentation writing.

Each requires a different skillset and experience. Don’t attempt to be a jack of all trades. Choose only those services that you are expert at and only offer them professionally.

You should also know the market rate; otherwise, some clients will find you cheap, and some might find you too expensive.

This post was last modified on April 13, 2020 10:24 pm

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