Security Archives - Tech India Today Transform Your Business into Digital Technology Wed, 17 May 2023 23:20:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Security Archives - Tech India Today 32 32 When DevSecOps Shines: Reinventing Software Development Wed, 17 May 2023 23:16:41 +0000 Sometimes, it feels like we’re architects and builders all at once. We code, we compile and we deploy. We constantly...

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Sometimes, it feels like we’re architects and builders all at once. We code, we compile and we deploy. We constantly construct digital structures, shaping the modern world from behind screens. But here’s a thought: What if we’ve been building on shaky ground?

Imagine you’re designing a skyscraper. You’ve meticulously planned every floor, every room, and every emergency exit. You’ve considered aesthetics, functionality, and the comfort of future inhabitants. Yet, regarding the building materials, you simply shrug and say, “They’ll probably hold up.”

Sounds absurd, right? But that’s the reality in software development when security is an afterthought.
In the digital realm, secure code forms the bedrock of our construction. Without it, our work crumbles under threats. And this is where the role of DevSecOps in modern software development comes into play.

1. DevSecOps: A New Dawn in Development

DevSecOps, a progression from DevOps, integrates security into every stage of software development. No more leaving it till the end. No more scrambling in panic when vulnerabilities surface. Instead, it’s a seamless melding of development, operations, and security.

DevSecOps gives us a sturdy foundation. It’s like swapping out straw and sticks for bricks, preventing those metaphorical big bad wolves (read: cyber threats) from blowing our software houses down.

“But isn’t security already part of development?” you might ask. Theoretically, yes. Practically, not as much as it should be. DevSecOps isn’t a fancy new tool or a buzzword to throw around in meetings. It’s a paradigm shift, a change in mindset, and an integral part of our development strategy.

2. Integrating Security: The DevSecOps Way

DevSecOps is about baking security into the development process, making it as natural as writing a line of code. It’s about developers, operators, and security experts breaking down silos and working harmoniously.

Imagine a world where:

  • Developers write code with security in mind from the word “go.”
  • Operations teams deploy software that is secure by design.
  • Security experts guide the process, ensuring no stone is left unturned.

This is the world of DevSecOps, where your software is secure from when it’s developed to when it’s deployed into production.

Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it? But how do we achieve this utopia?

3. Software Composition Analysis: A New Friend

To answer that question, let’s talk about software composition analysis. It’s a tool that scans our software, identifies components, and checks for vulnerabilities. Think of it as a magnifying glass that highlights the weak links in our chain.

Imagine trying to find a needle in a haystack. Now imagine having a magnet. That’s what software composition analysis does for us. It pinpoints vulnerabilities so we can address them head-on. It’s an invaluable ally in our quest for secure software.

4. The Road to Transformation

So, what’s stopping us from embracing DevSecOps?

Change is tough. It’s comfortable to stick to what we know. But remember, comfort zones rarely lead to progress. And in this cyber age, standing still is as good as moving backward.

We must step out of our comfort zones, roll up our sleeves, and dive into the DevSecOps world. The road to transformation isn’t easy, but it’s one worth taking.

5. Conclusion: Securing Our Future

DevSecOps isn’t a magic wand. It won’t make our security woes vanish overnight. But it’s a step in the right direction. It’s a commitment to building software that’s not just functional and efficient but also robust and secure.

Think of our software as a spaceship. We wouldn’t dream of launching without first checking the engines, the oxygen supply, and the integrity of the hull. So why should we treat our software any differently? Why launch into the digital universe without ensuring our security measures are up to scratch?

Ultimately, embracing DevSecOps means embracing a future where security isn’t an afterthought or a checkbox to be ticked off. It’s an intrinsic part of the process, woven into the fabric of our software from the beginning. It’s a future where we’re not just developers but guardians of our digital world.

DevSecOps isn’t just about making our jobs easier. It’s about making our software safer. It’s about protecting users, safeguarding data, and securing our digital future. It’s about acknowledging the risks and taking proactive steps to mitigate them.

So, let’s grab our hard hats, roll up our sleeves, and get to work. Let’s build software that stands strong, software that’s secure and resilient. Because in this era of rapid digital evolution, we’re not just building software. We’re building the future.
And the future deserves to be secure.

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Implementing Infrastructure As Code (IaC) With DevOps Fri, 21 Apr 2023 04:00:40 +0000 When it comes to automating the provisioning and management of your IT infrastructure, few approaches are as effective as Infrastructure...

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When it comes to automating the provisioning and management of your IT infrastructure, few approaches are as effective as Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

IaC represents your entire infrastructure in a machine-readable format, making it easy to spin up new resources and replicate existing ones with little to no manual intervention.

One of the biggest benefits of IaC is that it helps you achieve true DevOps nirvana: the ability to deliver new features and updates faster and more reliably without sacrificing quality or stability.

IaC can help you move from a manual configuration and change management culture to continuous delivery and innovation when done right.

Organizations that use devsecops (defined here by JFrog) to protect IP and data; will find that IaC helps them focus more on delivering their business goals and less on keeping their infrastructure running.

1. What is Infrastructure as Code?

IaC represents your IT infrastructure in a machine-readable format, typically using a high-level programming language. This allows you to version control your infrastructure like you would code and manage it using the same tools and processes.

By automating the provisioning and management of your infrastructure, IaC can help you speed up delivery times, reduce errors, and lower costs.

2. Why Use Infrastructure as Code?

You might want to use IaC in your organization for many reasons. Perhaps you want to improve your deployment speed or increase your team’s efficiency.

Or maybe you want to reduce the risk of human error when provisioning new resources. Whatever your reasons, IaC can help you achieve all of these objectives and more.

3. Some of the specific benefits of using IaC include the following:

  • Reduced time to market: IaC can help you deploy new applications and features faster by automating the provisioning and management of your infrastructure.
  • Increased efficiency: Automating routine tasks frees up time for your team to focus on more strategic initiatives.
  • Greater consistency: When all configurations are stored in code, it’s easy to ensure that everyone works from the same baseline. This reduces the potential for errors and inconsistencies between environments.
  • Improved collaboration: Storing all configurations in code makes it easy for multiple team members to work on them simultaneously.
  • Greater scalability: Automating the provisioning of new resources makes it easier to scale your infrastructure up or down as needed.

4. What Are Some Best Practices for Implementing Infrastructure as Code?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to implementing IaC, some best practices can help ensure success. Here are a few something to keep in the sense as you get started:

  1. Use Version Control: One of the most critical aspects of using IaC is storing all configurations in version control. This allows you to track changes over time, revert back to previous versions if necessary, and collaborate with others on shared configurations.
  2. Keep Secrets out of Code: It’s important to keep sensitive information from your codebase for security reasons. This includes things like API keys, database passwords, and so on. Instead, store secrets in a secure location such as an encrypted file or a password manager like LastPass or 1Password.
  3. Use Declarative Configuration Files: When writing your configuration files, it’s generally best to use a declarative style. This means specifying what state you want your resources to be in rather than writing scripts that perform actions step-by-step.
  4. Automate Everything: One of the main goals of using IaC is automating repetitive tasks. To achieve this goal, try to automate the provisioning process as much as possible, including prerequisites, dependencies, testing, etc.
  5. Use Infrastructure as Code Templates: Another way to automate repetitive tasks is by using templates. Templates provide a way to define common infrastructure patterns ( such as load balancers, web servers, and databases ) once, then reuse them multiple times throughout your codebase. This helps avoid duplication and ensures consistent results across environments.
  6. Review Changes Before Applying Them: Once you’ve made changes to your configuration files, reviewing them before applying them is essential. This helps ensure they’re valid and won’t cause any unexpected problems.
  7. Test Your Code Regularly: Like any other type of code, testing your infrastructure code before deploying it into production is essential. This helps catch any potential errors early on so they can be fixed before they cause problems.
  8. Keep Your Documentation Up to Date As you make changes to your infrastructure code, be sure to update any related documentation accordingly. This includes things like diagrams, runbooks, README files, etc.

5. Tools And Technologies for Implementing IaC

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a must-have for any organization that wants to improve its DevOps process. By using IaC, organizations can define and manage their IT infrastructure with code rather than using manual processes. This allows teams to take advantage of automation, scalability, and consistency in deploying applications and services.

DevOps teams leverage various tools and technologies for implementing Infrastructure as Code within their environment. Popular tools such as Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Kubernetes Helm Charts, Ansible playbooks, Puppet Manifests, etc., allow you to codify your infrastructure deployments so that they can be versioned, modified easily and deployed quickly.

These tools can be used to define, deploy, and consistently manage your cloud infrastructure.

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Steps to Take if Your SSN Is Stolen Thu, 11 Mar 2021 18:26:43 +0000 Social Security scams are nothing new, although they’ve been gradually on the rise. There are many ways your Social Security...

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Social Security scams are nothing new, although they’ve been gradually on the rise. There are many ways your Social Security Number (SSN) could get compromised. For example, it can result from an elaborate SSN fraud or a hacking attack manoeuvred by a cyber-criminal. Sometimes, it’s as simple as a physical theft of a statement you’ve thrown into the trash.

And the consequences could be detrimental. With your SSN, scammers could make unemployment claims, file fraudulent tax returns, and take out loans. They can also lure you into making unwarranted payments and use your identity to commit a host of financial frauds and other criminal acts.

Fraudulent IRS tax refunds, for instance, came to $135 million in just the first two months of 2020. That’s a staggering 800% jump from the previous year. And the Labor Department estimates fake unemployment claims to amount to more than $63 billion.

Report the SSN theft

But what should you do if your SSN is stolen? Taking a deep breath and getting a grip on the situation is critical. It’s essential to assess details objectively, leaving your emotions aside.

No doubt, it could be an overwhelming predicament to be in. But there are crucial measures that could help you tackle an SSN theft effectively.

So, here’s what you should know.

1. Report the SSN theft

If you suspect unauthorized access to your SSN, you need to report the incident. This will help trigger investigations and prompt relevant authorities to monitor and prevent further suspicious activities.
So, whom should you inform?

a. Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

If you’ve got caught in an SSA imposter scam, then you can visit their OIG website and report the incident. They’ll ask for a comprehensive account of the events before launching an investigation. You can also reach them on 1-800-269-0271 during office hours.

b. Federal Trade Commission allows you to report a range of identity thefts, including those involving SSNs. It can also help you with a personal recovery plan and guide you through each step of the process.

Once you’ve completed your application, don’t forget to take a printout of the identity theft report and keep it safe for your records. You can also call them on 1-877-438-4338.

Local police department

Now, before you visit the local police department, gather and document all incident details. These can include any call records and details of payments you may have made. You’ll likely need to produce the FTC identity theft report as well, together with your identification details. And once they have recorded the information, request a copy of the police report.

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Your stolen SSN could end up with a fraudulent tax return claim. So, it’s essential to keep the IRS informed and check for suspicious activities. And if there are any fraudulent claims made under your SSN, you can request a copy of the claim documents.

2. Minimize damage

After you have formally reported the incident to the relevant authorities, you next need to focus on minimizing the damage. Remember, identity theft could lead to dire consequences, both financially and otherwise. So, taking measures to mitigate damage is essential.

a. Inform relevant companies

If you suspect that the SSN details have been stolen, breached, or used through a particular company, then you need to contact them to discuss the next steps.

Inquire what actions they are taking to handle the situation and mitigate potential risks and damage—request progress updates on their investigation and the corrective measures they’ve taken. You may also need to change passwords and other login credentials with them.

b. Inform the credit bureaus

Alerting the three credit bureaus—Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion—is essential to protect your credit status. You can request a credit freeze to prevent unauthorized account openings or loan applications using your credit reports.

Consider placing an extended fraud alert to ensure that lenders contact you before approving any financing facilities. It’s a free service for extra protection and is valid for seven years.

You can inform one of the credit bureaus to activate this service on behalf of all three. But you may need to submit an FTC identity theft report or a police report to start it.

Also, you can request a temporary credit freeze if you’re concerned about more grave identity-related consequences. This is another free service that will prevent anyone from accessing your credit reports.

c. Monitor any suspicious activities

If your SSN is stolen, you need to keep a close eye on any suspicious activities that may result from identity theft. Request for a credit report from the credit bureaus.

This is provided free every year. Check for any new account activities and monitor unusual changes in your credit score. If you suspect foul play, inform the credit bureau and the respective lender or creditor to investigate.

3. A few final tips

Now, if you have lost your Social Security card, you may be eligible to request a replacement. You can do this online with the Social Security Administration or by visiting their local office.

Applying for a new SSN, on the other hand, is not always so easy and could be a cumbersome process even if you qualify.

Protecting your SSN is always a better option to save yourself from all the hassles. But most importantly, it can safeguard you from financial loss and countless other dreadful consequences.

So, be on the alert for any calls or emails requesting your SSN and other personal details. Avoid responding to them and alert necessary authorities if you suspect a scam.

Safely store your Social Security card and ensure you use a shredder when discarding documents with confidential or personal details. Also, guard your devices with proper security tools and techniques. All these practices could help you evade identity scams and safeguard your details.

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The Benefits Of Cloud Hosting And Reasons You Need It Sat, 12 Dec 2020 18:26:11 +0000 Cloud Hosting has become pretty popular these days and also for an excellent reason. It’s a high performing, scalable, and...

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Cloud Hosting has become pretty popular these days and also for an excellent reason. It’s a high performing, scalable, and manageable hosting service that provides your business with a list of unique features. With the help of Cloud hosting, all websites and applications will be attainable through the cloud servers.

If you opt to cloud hosting services, you will get resources according to your necessities. It also supports NoSQL or SQL databases, and all the solutions are regulated and automated through mobile applications, APIs, and web portals.

1. Benefits to opt for cloud hosting

Cloud Hosting

Given below are several of the benefits of cloud hosting. Look below!

a. Provides a flexible pricing structure:

When you opt for a hosting service, you will get a monthly charge whether you want to use all the servers or not. But in terms of cloud hosting, you will only pay for the service that you will use. When your website is receiving plenty of views or wants a particular post to go viral, then you do not need to have to renew your package.

All you need to do is, scale all your supplies up when there is a traffic rush. After that, you can put it down when it’s back to normal.

b. Excessive server environment:

When you use a particular hosting service, your website will live on a single server. If something goes wrong on that server, then you cannot access your website until the server is fixed.

But if your hosting is superfluous, then a website backup will take over your current website within any seconds. With the help of a cloud hosting service, you will have a convergent life of your site, and your host will load with an immediate effect.

c. Reasons to opt for cloud hosting

There are many reasons to opt for cloud email hosting services, and some of them are mentioned below.

It increases the server uptime: The server uptime is said to be undeviatingly proportionate to your website. Cloud hosting assures no point of failure and also provides supreme hosting uptime. Since it’s an interconnected server, so if one single server cannot take up your offer, then multiple other servers will help in taking up the load of the failed one.

Increases the security: Under the traditional hosting services, you will share CPU specifications and the resources with other websites within the same to secure all the delicate information. But when it comes to cloud hosting, it will ensure your data in a variety of levels such as application, data, network, and physical security.

The cloud servers help in securing the data through the customer’s distinguished management, firewalls, storage disconnection, backup restorations, encrypted and reliable solutions, and data isolation.

Provides disaster and backup recovery: Cloud hosting comes with the disaster recovery feature as the data gets backed up within the interconnected server. Traditional hosting does not have a disaster recovery feature as it runs on a single server where you host your application and data.

Final Words!

Cloud hosting is currently the best and most preferred hosting option these days. It leverages the latest and the most advanced technologies so that you can combine and customize your software without any issues.

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Recent Tech Trends That Have Caused Serious Disruption in the Mortgage Industry Sun, 06 Dec 2020 19:30:19 +0000 With technology taking various forms in the mortgage landscape, terms such as machine learning, big data, blockchain, and artificial intelligence...

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With technology taking various forms in the mortgage landscape, terms such as machine learning, big data, blockchain, and artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly common.

Technology is evolving at a fast rate, and lenders need to keep up with the growing trends as new start-ups and FinTech companies join the competition.

At the core of the disruption caused by recent technology trends in the mortgage industry are three main factors:

  • New business models
  • Economic pressure
  • The convergence of mortgage and real estate business

These three factors are single-handedly responsible for the change in the whole outlook of the mortgage industry. Previously, a real estate agent was at the centre of all home transactions, but currently, the customers are the most important.

Why has tech caused such a severe disruption in the mortgage industry?

One of the main reasons why the mortgage industry has experienced a significant disruption is because lenders opted to seek ways to automate, speed up, and simplify steps of the mortgage origination process.

FinTech lenders, therefore, created a completely online mortgage application and approval process supported by centralized underwriting operations.

The Amazon effect is also taking root in the mortgage-lending sector. Today, customers are more tech-savvy and choosing their options carefully before taking up a home mortgage.

This has necessitated the need for mortgage lenders to employ tech in their processes to provide a better customer experience and services.

Trends that are responsible for the disruption in the mortgage industry

1. The digitalization of the mortgage ecosystem

The digitalization of the mortgage ecosystem

Technology has revolutionized not only the mortgage process but also the mortgage ecosystem. Everything from creating a new listing to securing a homeowner’s title insurance has been digitized.

The digitalization of the entire mortgage ecosystem has led to the introduction of electronic/hybrid mortgage closing, which is slowly becoming a norm in the industry.

The incorporation of technology such as the eSignature has provided a customizable, branded signing solution that speeds up the process and provides a sleek customer experience.

2. Single source validation and automated data collection

Without any measures in place, customer validation is a complicated process, which is time-consuming. However, with the current technological trends, acquiring a borrower’s information can be quickly done in a few steps. This data is easily collected using 1003 applications that are available online.

In 2016, Fannie Mae launched the Day 1 Certainty program that automatically passes customer details from financial institutions, which in effect speeds up the mortgage processing time and cuts down costs.

3. Self-service channels for borrowers

In today’s world, the world is increasingly connected, and customers look for instant gratification. They always want to have access to products and portfolios and compare them against similar products and portfolios. Self-service is becoming increasingly common in the mortgage industry.

Better self-service channels help provide useful information and educational tools that facilitate consumer access and cut down costs. Borrower portals are assisting customers in checking their credit scores, generate pre-approval applications, and run their files through digital underwriting processes.

4. Mobility

Mortgage lenders are devising their operations with mobility in mind in this changing landscape. People move periodically handling their mobile devices, and lenders need to make their products and services more accessible.

Mortgage service providers are creating apps with different functionalities that keep consumers up to date with mortgage rates, mortgaging processes, and mortgage information. Web and mobile apps help consolidate and streamline service provision and ensure customers can easily manage their finances.

5. Big data

The availability of mass data has made it imperative for lenders to derive actionable conclusions that help them offer better quality and diverse services. Machine learning algorithms can potentially help lenders identify trends in the market. This helps lenders provide better products and support customer requirements efficiently.

The growth of digital technology, however, carries some risk for mortgage lenders. Data theft is a significant concern, and the customer’s sensitive information needs to be adequately secured.

In a nutshell, technological diffusion has helped speed up the mortgage origination process and reduced capacity constraints commonly experienced during peak demand.

This has strengthened the ability of the mortgage market to transmit mortgage policies to households. These tech trends have also influenced refinancing decisions making them more streamlined and efficient for most businesses and consumers.

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How to Make a Router Ready for VPN Connection Sun, 11 Oct 2020 12:52:53 +0000 There are several reasons you need a router for home VPN. A VPN sets your internet traffic to a different...

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There are several reasons you need a router for home VPN. A VPN sets your internet traffic to a different location other than the actual one. But then, how do you connect a VPN to a home router? In our discussions, we shall learn how this is done step by step. Before that, let’s know how to make the router ready for the connection.

1. Getting a Firmware for the Home Router

Before connecting a VPN to your home router, you will start by installing a DD-WRT free firmware. This is an open-source firmware that supports OpenVPN software and several clients at large.

Ensure you confirm whether the router is supported before to avoid experiencing having a void warranty or even the router’s cases not helping any clients in the future.

2. Find out the Home Router’s IP Address

Find out the Home Routers IP Address - Router For Home VPN

Different operating systems search for routers IP addresses differently. It is upon you to get an online guide on how this is done to get it right away. After this, the address displays on the default gateway line on the screen. You can copy or save it somewhere to use it later.

3. Accessing the Router

Enter your IP address in a browser just the way you key in a URL. This will afterward prompt you to enter the username and password of your router. This information is in the router’s manual.

4. Finding the Installation Page of the Firmware

You will find the install page under Administration in most routers. You will make several clicks around until you locate the install page of the firmware.

5. Uploading the DD-WRT Bin File

You are almost approaching the last step of making your router ready for a connection to a VPN. First, ensure you have the right file on your browser. Confirm it is the right one and then upload it. You will wait, and if everything is correct, the router will have a DD-WRT onboard.

6. Setting a Username and Password

In your preferable browser, enter the default DD-WRT IP as the way you do with a URL. This is where you will enter new details, both a new user and password. After you complete this, your router will now be ready for a VPN connection.

7. How to Connect Your Home Router to a VPN

Once you have made your router ready for a connection, it is now time to set the VPN on your router. Let’s hold gears to gain knowledge on how to connect your home router to a VPN.

i. Step One: Opening the Configuration Panel

Start by keying in the router’s IP in your preferred browser. However, if you still can’t remember the IP address, you can use the steps above to get it. Remember that all browsers have a different way of finding IP addresses. Therefore get it right first before you can start the connection process.

ii. Step Two: Make Use of the Provided VPN Client Guidelines

Every VPN app has a different process to set up other firmware. Therefore, you should get in touch with their support team or an online instruction guide of the particular VPN you need to use. At this step, ensure you are connected to stable internet and follow instructions to the end.

ii. Step Three: Test It

Once everything is done as required, you should test it to see whether it has started working. In case it doesn’t work, then you did not follow the set VPN instructions. However, if you followed instructions to the somewhat, then be assured everything shall work well. You can log into your router and make any further adjustments to the settings whenever you need to do it.

These are simple steps you will follow to connect VPN to your home router. You must gain knowledge of how a VPN router is used. Below are a few tips for using your home VPN router.

8. Always Ensure You Connect to Nearest Servers.

The distance between the router operator and connected servers determine the browsing speed. Ensure you connect to servers closest so that you increase the speed of your internet connection when you browse using a VPN.

9. Avoid Doubling the VPN

Although this is a thing most people would like to do, it is not recommended by client support. Doubling it decreases the browsing speed.

10. Make Use of the Latest Encryption Standards

You should employ the newest encryption standards like the IKEv2 since they are more secure and faster at large. Even if your VPN does not support this, get the latest options to provide you quick and secure services.

11. Ensure to Bookmark the Router Settings

The router’s IP address is essential in quite everything you will need to do with your VPN. Therefore, it is good you bookmark it so that accessing the VPN router settings becomes easier.

12. Stay Cautious to Free VPNs

Always put a comprehensive eye on anything that is offered for free. The free VPNs lack the security standards you will find with the paid options at large. You can even be in a situation where you deal with intrusive ads and slower performance.


It is not an easy task setting a VPN on a router. However, even if it seems such a daunting task, it turns out to be a smooth task once you know how to do it. The benefits of connecting a VPN to your home router are many. Therefore, this is a thing to consider if you need access to items blocked from your region.

Having gone through this project, you have a clear idea of connecting your home router to a VPN. You have also learned the tips on how to use a VPN router. Get informed about the benefits of a home VPN router, and don’t hesitate to give it a try.

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How to Hack Any Mobile Phone without The Target Wed, 19 Aug 2020 20:53:21 +0000 Hacking a mobile phone today is common if you have the right tool. Today, some phone hacking apps provide a...

The post How to Hack Any Mobile Phone without The Target appeared first on Tech India Today.

Hacking a mobile phone today is common if you have the right tool. Today, some phone hacking apps provide a convenient way of hacking mobile phones remotely. Some advanced apps don’t even require installation.

Parents and employers use phone hacking tools to protect their kids and businesses, respectively. The easiest way of hacking any mobile without accessing them is through phone surveillance apps.

Read on to find how you can hack a mobile phone without touching the target cell phone. We will show you how one of the popular phone hacking apps operates and what it offers.

Spyine – The best discreet phone hacking app

Among the most trusted phone hacking apps, Spyine enjoys the highest customer approval rating. It has over a million users around the world and a 96% customer approval rating.

Spyine - The best discreet phone hacking app

With Spyine, you get to hack someone’s phone secretly over the internet. The app has been attracting the attention of major media outlets like CNET and PCmag. It can hack devices running on iOS and Android.

For iPhones, Spyine doesn’t require installation. Instead, the app uses the iCloud backup to hack the target iPhone remotely. As a web-based phone hacking app, Spyine hacks a phone by logging in to your dashboard.

What can Spyine do?

Spyine comes with over 30 phone hacking features that make it possible to hack different areas. Here are some of the remarkable phone hacking features you get with this app:

1. Location tracking

Spyine lets you hack the whereabouts of the target mobile phone. The app provides details such as GPS coordinates and street addresses. Also, the feature includes geofence capability that lets you set a virtual boundary.

Spyine Location tracking

The geofence feature sends notifications whenever the target mobile phone crosses the set boundary.

2. Social media surveillance

The ability to hack social media apps is among the top reason people want to hack mobile phones. Spyine lets you hack all the popular social media apps such as Facebook and Instagram.

The app can hack both posts and chats of these platforms. It even backs app all the chats on its server to ensure you can access also deleted conversations.

Spyine Social media surveillance

3. Call log and contact hacking

Spyine provides a neat way of hacking the call log and contacts on the target mobile phone. It contains details such as call duration, contacts, and time of the call. Also, it will let you know the frequently contacted phone number.

4. Keylogger feature

With Spyine, you get a keylogger that records all the keystrokes made on the mobile phone. The app captures even sensitive details like usernames and passwords used on the target cellular.

Spyine keylogger groups all the keystrokes by the app to make it easy to access them.
How to hack any mobile phone without the target using Spyine.

Here are the steps involved when you need to hack your target mobile phone. Below are the steps involved:

Spyine Keylogger feature

Step 1: Visit the official Spyine website to register. As you register, you will get to choose login credentials to your Spyine dashboard. Once you have them, select a plan that suits your mobile phone hacking needs.

How to hack any mobile phone without the target using Spyine

Step 2: Configure the target mobile phone. For an iPhone, you won’t need to install the app, neither will you need to jailbreak it. Spyine uses cutting-edge technology to make it possible to hack a phone remotely.

The app requires iCloud credentials to hack the target mobile phone. Once you have the Apple ID and password used on the target iPhone, provide them, and click Verify.

For an Android smartphone, one-time access to the target phone is necessary to install the app. Best of all, you won’t have to root the target Android phone. The Android app is light at 2MB in size and taking less than 5 minutes to install.

How to hack any mobile phone without the target using Spyine step2

After installation, the app automatically deletes its icon and disguises itself in installed apps. Once you are done hacking the target Android phone, Spyine lets you uninstall the app remotely in one click.

Step 3: Spyine will sync the content on the target cell phone with your dashboard. As a web-based app, Spyine ensures your hacking activities take place discreetly. All the content is accessible on your panel.

How to hack any mobile phone without the target using Spyine setp3

After syncing all the details, hit the Start button to exit the configuration.

Step 4: Now, sign in to your Spyine dashboard to start hacking your target mobile phone remotely. The Spyine dashboard gives you access to all the features and capabilities. Open any tab on the left panel to begin hacking.

Here, you can hack virtually anything on the target mobile phone. Unique Spyine phone-hacking capabilities

How to hack any mobile phone without the target using Spyine step4

1. Safe

Spyine provides a secure way of hacking your target mobile phone. The app doesn’t compromise the security of your target cell phone. For instance, it protects data privacy by ensuring it doesn’t access data on third-party apps.

Also, the app doesn’t require jailbreaking iPhone or rooting Android smartphones. The process of rooting or jailbreaking a mobile phone leaves the phone vulnerable. Also, it exposes the user to malware.

What’s more, rooting or jailbreaking a phone voids its warranty. Besides, jailbreaking or rooting a mobile phone takes a lot of time and technical skills. Also, it raises a lot of eyebrows from the mobile phone user.

2. Undetectable

All the phone-hacking activities in this app take place in the background. Spyine operates in such a way that it doesn’t interfere with mobile phone performance. On Android phones, the app disguises itself and doesn’t require installation on iPhones.


The most effective way to hack a mobile phone is through a phone-hacking app. Although many phone hacking apps are available today, few deliver a reliable service. Give Spyine a try, and it may surprise you.

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Several Kinds of Best Practices That Will Help in Ensuring Proper Mobile Security Thu, 13 Aug 2020 12:01:31 +0000 With the advancements in technology, many individuals are highly dependent upon mobile devices for several purposes. Nowadays, each and everything...

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With the advancements in technology, many individuals are highly dependent upon mobile devices for several purposes. Nowadays, each and everything is done with the help of mobile applications, and these things help in providing several benefits to the users.

On the other hand, mobile apps are also very much exposed to threats from hackers and other people. This is the main reason for the developers’ implementation of in-app protection so that frauds and other things can be minimized.

Following are some of the best mobile application practices that will ensure that all the mobile applications are free from risks and do not disclose the user’s personal information:

1. The developers should enhance the security of data:

The developers should enhance the security of data

The data security policy and several kinds of guidelines should be established and issued so that users are highly ensured about security-related things. It will help avoid the users getting caught in the trap of hackers because they will be working on applications that have been well implemented with data encryption.

The information transferred between all the devices is completely safe and secure. For this, the developers can refer to the guidelines which have been issued for android and iOS specifically, and they must be followed.

2. The passwords should never be saved:

A lot of users are very lazy, and they go with the option of saving the password so that they are not required to repeatedly enters the Login details time and again. In all the cases of mobile data theft, these passwords can be misused by the people, and they can gain access to personal information very easily.

So, the individuals should prevent saving the passwords on mobile devices, and they should go with the option of utilizing the app servers so that one can avoid these things from happening even if the mobile device is lost.

3. One must enforce session logout:

It is usually seen that a lot of users forget to log out from the websites they are using. In case these websites are of banks or any other financial transactions, this concept can be very harmful to the users. So, somebody must go with the option of protecting the payment applications.

They should go with the possibility of ending the user sessions after a certain period of inactivity so that safety levels can be increased. The developers should also focus properly on the session logout at the end of the application. The users should also become highly literate and responsible in all these cases.

4. One should consult the security experts:

Most of the security-related team is highly expert in their field. Still, they should ask other security teams so that they can get a different perspective of risks associated with it.

There exist different varieties of companies that help in providing complete consultancy services in all this feels so that loopholes of the applications can be identified, and there are very least chances of things getting compromised.

The company should also encourage the development teams to develop various security features that can be assessed by third-party service Providers.

5. The developers should also apply a multifactor authentication procedure: Mobile Security

The multifactor authentication procedure referred to as an extra layer of security on the applications whenever the user will log in to a particular application. It will help in covering all sorts of weak passwords, which can be very easily guessed by hackers and will help to overcome the issues associated with the security of the applications.

The multifactor authentication will also help develop a secret code that must be entered along with the passwords to ensure proper safety and security. This kind of system can be sent through email or SMS. The implementation of multifactor authentication will ensure hackers cannot guess the weak passwords very easily.

6. Conducting proper penetration testing: Mobile Security

Penetration testing is undertaken to find vulnerabilities in an application. In this way, the attackers’ potential weaknesses, and the security compromise of the final form can be found. It also involves checking the password policy and encrypted data.

Recreating the possible hacker’s security team’s acts will help determine all the weaknesses associated with the applications. It is extremely suggested that perception testing be performed so that applications are kept under optimum performance and are completely safe and secure. White box and black box are considered two types of testing that can be undertaken to check for security issues very well.

7. Avoid the usage of personal devices into offices: Mobile Security

Many employees go with the option of asking the employees to bring their laptops so that work can be done very easily. Sometimes the networks are very open for several infections that can be gathered on the devices of employees.

To protect the devices from these kinds of issues, one must follow several practices and avoid taking personal devices in the offices. Each of the tools connected to the office network should be thoroughly scanned with the antivirus and other things to ensure proper safety and security.

8. The user privileges should be restricted: Mobile Security

The more users are provided with rights, the more the chances of security of the application is compromised, so if the users with a high number of privileges can cause a great amount of damage to the claims. Thus, the opportunities for users should be minimized to ensure proper safety and security.

Hence, the practices mentioned above in proper competition with the session handling and managing the key securely should be undertaken to ensure the security of the applications. Developers can also go with the option of RASP to get relaxed from the hidden vulnerabilities.

Hence, the developer should pay proper attention to the tips mentioned above and practices to ensure that customers get adequate access to safe and secure applications.

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How To Earn Bitcoin Without Investing Any Money Wed, 08 Jul 2020 22:54:46 +0000 Seeing the rise of Bitcoin and not having any money to take advantage of it can be frustrating. People who...

The post How To Earn Bitcoin Without Investing Any Money appeared first on Tech India Today.

Seeing the rise of Bitcoin and not having any money to take advantage of it can be frustrating. People who we’re able to buy their Bitcoins early are enjoying some enormous returns while some of us can watch from afar. Bitcoin price in India is always rising, and it puts investing further out of reach for you.

There is still some hope, though. You don’t have to invest in making money in Bitcoin after all. The beautiful thing about the internet is that there are many ways to make money in general. This includes Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

To get some ideas that may work for you, read on, and I will give you some to think about to make a few Bitcoins yourself.

1. Write about Bitcoin

Earn Bitcoin Without Investing

If you have an interesting perspective about Bitcoin or the blockchain in general, you may have some success with blogging for money. The competition is fierce in the cryptocurrency world, as many experts are already writing about the subject.

Using some keyword research tools, you can find some topics about Bitcoin that you can write about that other blogs have neglected. With enough of these types of articles, you can build a respectable audience. And when they buy Bitcoin through your tracking ID, then you will earn commissions. And these can be paid in the form of Bitcoin.

You may also have some expertise in Bitcoin and do some freelance writing for the blogs already out there. This is a much faster way to earn money as you don’t have to wait for the traffic to build over time with your blog. Then you can ask to be paid in Bitcoin and enjoy the gains yourself.

2. Get sponsors

Bitcoin is making a big push to become more mainstream, and many enthusiasts are trying to get it adopted by the masses. If you can make a name for yourself in the Bitcoin sphere, you could get a sponsor to pay you to post around the internet.

Start by joining forums and sites like Reddit, where you will get involved in the many discussions surrounding Bitcoin and blockchain. As you get a reputation and are well known in the community, you may find some sponsors reach out and offer to pay you to post about specific topics or products.

3. Become a freelancer

If you have special skills, you can take your services online and offer them to people who don’t want to do that work themselves. Instead of accepting dollars or your local currency, then you can ask to be paid in Bitcoin. This is great anyway if you have a foreign client as they won’t have to pay any foreign exchange fees to pay you.

When you have some Bitcoin in your digital wallet, you can keep them there and hope to grow their value. If you find yourself in a bull market, then you can see some nice gains. Be careful, though! The coins can lose value, too.

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PayPal Prepaid – How To Get a PayPal Prepaid Mastercard? | PayPal Cash Card Sun, 17 May 2020 16:58:57 +0000 PayPal is a secure payment online money transfer service provider. It is the most commonly used payment option for easily...

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PayPal is a secure payment online money transfer service provider. It is the most commonly used payment option for easily and efficiently transferring money online. PayPal prepaid card features are replacing paper options, likewise paper checks and money orders.

A PayPal card is nothing but a PayPal debit card or PayPal Prepaid Mastercard. It is used everywhere the debit card is accepted.

The PayPal Prepaid card, cash card, and its benefits, features, fees, PayPal transfers and how to get the card, etc. topics are described in the below sections.

1. How to get the PayPal Prepaid Mastercard

Once the personal information has been verified, we can order online, and you will receive your PayPal Card in the mail within 7-10 business days. Once you get the card, activate it online or over the smartphone, add money to your Prepaid card account, and you are ready to use it.

PayPal Prepaid Card order link here. If you already have a PayPal Card and need to activate your Card Account.

There are nearly 250 million active accounts with PayPal around the world. Tapping is a better way to pay.

PayPal Prepaid mobile apps are available; here, we can check your PayPal account balance, load checks, and review recent transactions.

PayPal mobile application can find nearby reload locations, and receive Anytime notifications all from your mobile phone.

What is a PayPal Prepaid Mastercard

2. The ways of adding money into PayPal prepaid Mastercard

By using PayPal prepaid Mastercard, we can receive special offers and Payback Rewards or points, when you were shopping at qualifying stores and Marts. Make sure purchases are at stores, over the phone, and online. You can pay your bills, rent, and other necessities.

  • Direct Deposit
  • In-person (reload locations)
  • Within PayPal

We have the option to open a tiered-rate Savings Account by the Bancorp Bank, Member FDIC, with the Refer-A-Friend program. The PayPal Prepaid Mastercard has money management benefits.

3. The list of all fees related to your PayPal Prepaid cards

  • Monthly Plan Fee: $4.95
  • ATM Balance Inquiry Fee – Domestic: $0.5
  • Cash Fee Per Withdrawal: $2.50
  • ATM Withdrawal Fee – Domestic: $1.95
  • Cash Reload at a Netspend Reload Network LocationUp to $3.95
  • Additional Statement Mailing Fee: $5.95
  • Stop Payment Fee: $10.00
  • Check Request Fee: $5.95
  • Replacement Card Fee: $5.95
  • Custom Card Fee: $3.95

For more Fee, and related details link here

PayPal Card Tap & Pay feature

4. Benefits of Direct Deposit

  • Faster than a paper check
  • No risk of stolen or lost paper checks
  • Social Security Benefits
  • Government Disability Benefits
  • Tax Refund Benefits

5. How to PayPal Transfers

Link your PayPal account to a PayPal Prepaid Mastercard. Without cost, we can transfer funds available for use through your PayPal Prepaid Card Account.

Log in to your PayPal Online Account, click on the PayPal Transfers section, and follow the steps to transfer the money from your account at PayPal to your PayPal Prepaid Card.

If you have any other issues or helpline contact PayPal customer support:

6. PayPal Prepaid Debit Card Features

  • Direct Deposit
  • Payback Rewards
  • PayPal Transfers
  • Reload Locations
  • Mobile App
  • Savings Account

What is a PayPal Cash Card

7. What is a PayPal Cash Card

The PayPal Cash Card is not like a credit card, so not required a credit check. No annual, No monthly fees, and minimum balance requirements. It receives protection against unauthorized online payments sent from your PayPal account.

To get instant access to your PayPal money with the PayPal Cash Card. A PayPal Cash Plus account is required to get the PayPal Cash Card. The things that you can do with your PayPal account and PayPal Cash Card. We can get the PayPal cash card link here.

8. Benefits of PayPal Cash Card

  • Shop with PayPal everywhere
  • Withdraw cash at ATMs
  • Transfer money to your bank account

9. PayPal Cash Card Features

  • Tap & Pay feature
  • Shop everywhere
  • card to load cash
  • Free access nationwide
  • Track account activity
  • mobile app feature
  • Mastercard Zero Liability Policy

Use the PayPal mobile app to check your PayPal Cash Card transactions, check your PayPal Cash Plus balance, load checks, and alerts, and send money to your friends with your smartphone. For more information regarding PayPal debit or cash cards link here.

The post PayPal Prepaid – How To Get a PayPal Prepaid Mastercard? | PayPal Cash Card appeared first on Tech India Today.

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